Monday, May 9, 2011

Suistanable Products - LED's

LED - Light Emitting Diode

What is it?
Basically it’s a semiconductor device (diode) that emits light as electrical current passes through a suitably treated silicon junction. It was developed in the beginning of the sixties by Nick Holonyak Jr. Initially they only emitted red light, later with yellow and green lights, but only after more developments in the nineties they were able to emit blue light and therefore all the remaining colors. Its applications were originally in remote controls, status indicators. Traffic and cars lights, but today they can be found in a vastly range of lighting equipment.

Why use it?
  • The use of LED’s instead of regular lighting technologies gather various advantages:
  • Greater reliability and a longer life (up to 100,000 hours);
  • Do not require complex supply circuits, what insures reduced maintenance costs and improves electrical efficiency;
  • Because of the material used, the heating of the lid object is greatly reduced;
  • It has considerable mechanical strength;
  • Turns on instantly, even at low temperatures (-40º)
  • Extraordinary safety thanks to its low voltage DC power supply;

For whom? For What?
Considering LED’s unmatched advantages, they can be used by a big amount of entities. Governments and Companies can take advantage of its long life reliability and reduced maintenance costs using them in light signalization (traffic lights, bridges and skyscraper aerial signalization) and night illumination (streets, parks, monuments).
Home owners can have reduced consumption costs with its electrical efficiency. They can be used outdoors to illuminate gardens or even underwater to illuminate swimming pools, all with maximized safety.
Even for Developers it will be easier and more practical creating new products using LED’s technology thanks to its simple circuits, low heating and strengthened materials.

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